How Foot Orthotics are Made with Corey’s Bootery

Customers with us at Corey’s Bootery are always grateful for the relief we can provide through our foot orthotics, so we are more than willing to share the techniques that we use to make your time spent on your feet comfortable. Every customer that comes through Corey’s Bootery for custom orthotics gets the care and attention they need, and our team of professionals uses the same techniques for everyone to get an individual’s specific orthotics crafted to help them reduce the pain of being on their feet.
Latest and greatest
Corey’s Bootery utilizes the latest technologies to get a scan of our customers’ feet to ensure that their foot orthotics fit as best as they can. By using Delcam IQUBE, our certified pedorthists get a 3D scan of any customer’s foot. This type of scanner uses Aerospace technology to get a complete and accurate scan of the foot in question. By using this 3D model, the machine used to craft the orthotic gets an extremely accurate picture of the foot to craft the orthotic for, allowing for one to be made that is more accurate than even casting would be.
Your preference
If you are used to older methods of getting orthotics created, that is okay too! Our pedorthists have all been trained in the Delcam IQUBE scanner, use of a foam box to capture the bottom of the foot, as well as a plaster bandage for casting purposes. This means that whatever method you are most comfortable with, you can get the best orthotics made specifically for you. Although we recommend the scanner for its accuracy, we want everyone who needs foot orthotics to be able to get them comfortably.
Striving to improve people’s lives through the use of the best orthotics available, Corey’s Bootery is ready to help whenever your feet ache and need special care through orthotics. Stop in today to get started on yours!